Abandoned Railroads

Abandoned Railroads

To show how our world has changed over time, and how a future where much more abundant passenger rail and bicycle infrastructure is not just a possibility, but literally could exist with a bit of investment, I created Forgotten Railways, Roads & Places. I don’t consider FRRandP and Climate Conduit to be sister websites, but where transit and climate resilience intersect, as is the case for abandoned railroad corridors, I will cross share media to both websites. With that said, if you’re looking for abandoned railroad tracks, look no further than the FRRandP map!

It is most accurate in North America, but they are adding new lines across the world almost every day. As a crowdsourced endeavor, this map is incomplete, and will almost certainly remain incomplete. Please provide your knowledge! Know of some lines not on the map? Help out and Submit a line!

The map is also a great way to find abandoned railroads to explore. Many abandoned railroads have been converted into hiking and biking trails, and they offer a unique opportunity to experience the history of transportation firsthand. This map is most accurate in North America, and as a crowd-sourced project, remains incomplete across the world.

As stated, this map is owned and maintained by Forgotten Railways, Roads & Places (not Climate Conduit), any data gathered from this map should provide a link to the map, as well as a citation. This data is viewable free of charge. Any commercial use, or reproduce, of this data needs prior approval. Email railtrace91@gmail.com for inquiries.